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How to Get Rid of Loose Flabby Skin after Weight Loss (5 Simple Steps)

Get Rid of Loose Flabby Skin after Weight Loss


Congratulations on your weight loss transformation! While shedding excess weight is an incredible achievement, dealing with loose, flabby skin can be a new challenge. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore five simple yet effective strategies to help you tighten and firm your skin after weight loss.

Acknowledgment and Background

As someone who has undergone a significant weight loss journey, I understand the frustrations that come with excess skin. Having lost 80 pounds over nine months, I faced the same issue of loose skin despite achieving my desired weight and body fat percentage. This experience inspired me to delve into effective methods to address this common concern.

Strategies to Get Rid of Loose Flabby Skin

1. Mastering Cortisol and Insulin

Managing stress and regulating insulin levels are paramount for skin health. High cortisol levels can lead to increased insulin production, which, in turn, affects skin elasticity. Adopting a ketogenic lifestyle, characterized by low-carb, high-fat eating, can help stabilize insulin levels and promote skin regeneration.


2. Eliminating Refined Sugars and Alcohol

Cutting out refined sugars and alcohol from your diet is essential for maintaining skin health. These substances contribute to inflammation in the body, which can impede the skin’s ability to repair and regenerate. By removing them from your diet, you create a supportive environment for skin firmness and elasticity.

3. Building Lean Muscle

Engaging in strength training is key to firming loose skin by increasing lean muscle mass. Incorporate exercises such as squats, lunges, shoulder presses, deadlifts, and push-ups into your workout routine to target major muscle groups and encourage skin tightening.

4. Avoiding Fish Oil and Inflammatory Fats

Contrary to popular belief, fish oil and certain vegetable oils can exacerbate skin issues due to their inflammatory properties. Opt for healthier fat sources such as coconut oil, avocado oil, and grass-fed butter to support skin health and regeneration.


5. Incorporating High-Quality Collagen

Collagen is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and firmness. Including high-quality collagen sources like collagen protein or bone broth in your diet can aid in skin repair and regeneration, leading to a smoother appearance.

6. Exploring Autophagy through Fasting

Intermittent fasting promotes autophagy, a natural process that helps the body recycle damaged cells and proteins, including excess skin. By incorporating periods of fasting into your routine, you can enhance skin rejuvenation and tighten loose areas.


Achieving tight, firm skin after weight loss requires dedication and patience. By implementing these five simple steps—mastering cortisol and insulin, eliminating inflammatory substances, building lean muscle, avoiding harmful fats, incorporating collagen, and exploring autophagy through fasting—you can support your skin’s natural regeneration process and enjoy the results of your hard work.


  1. Does loose skin after weight loss go away? Loose skin after weight loss doesn’t always go away completely on its own. It depends on various factors such as age, genetics, the amount of weight lost, and the rate at which it was lost. In some cases, the skin may gradually tighten over time, especially if you maintain a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition, hydration, and exercise. However, for some individuals, particularly those who have lost a significant amount of weight or have loose skin due to other factors, surgical procedures like skin removal may be necessary to address excess skin.
  2. Does skin grow back after losing weight? When you lose weight, the skin doesn’t technically “grow back” in the same way that tissues regenerate. Instead, the skin adjusts to the new body contours, but this process varies from person to person. Factors such as age, skin elasticity, and the rate of weight loss can influence how well the skin adapts.
  3. Will losing 40kg cause loose skin? Losing 40kg can indeed lead to loose skin, especially if the weight loss occurs rapidly or over a short period. The skin needs time to adjust to the changes in body size and may not always shrink to match the new body contours completely. However, implementing strategies to support skin health, such as staying hydrated, maintaining a balanced diet rich in nutrients, and incorporating strength training exercises, can help minimize the appearance of loose skin.
  4. Will I get loose skin if I lose 10kg?

    Similarly, losing 10kg may also result in some degree of loose skin, depending on individual factors such as skin elasticity and genetics. While losing a smaller amount of weight may not always cause significant loose skin compared to larger weight loss, some individuals may still experience loose or sagging skin, particularly if they have lost weight rapidly or have poor skin elasticity.

    Overall, while loose skin is a common concern after weight loss, adopting healthy lifestyle habits and being patient with the body’s natural adjustment process can help improve skin elasticity and minimize the appearance of loose skin over time.

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